Cabau Lifestyle has been able to keep the small(Fax Lists ) customer service team. However, this does not detract from the personal touch. “The chatbot offers 24/7 help with easy questions, with a personal touch. You can make a chatbot very personal, and we did that!” says Tommy proudly. “Chatbot Fax Lists makes jokes and approaches the customer in a personal way with a specific tone of voice. For example, at the beginning of the conversation she asks the question: “Who do I have the pleasure Fax Lists of meetin.
The bit of personality makes the chatbot special. That is why this was also a requirement when Fax Lists we started building the chatbot. I think we were able to implement this well!” Available anywhere, anytime Chatbot Fax Lists speaks to the customer through various channels. She offers 24/7 the customer service that Fax Lists Lifestyle wants to offer the customer; After all, 50% of the questions come in after opening hours. When it comes to personal questions, chatbot Cabau works together with the customer service representative.
You're not just selling nutritional supplements, you're selling a lifestyle,” Tommy says. “Fax Lists That is why people also come up with personal questions for their specific situation, and that is difficult to fully tackle Fax Lists with AI. In that case, you want to be able to offer a real listening ear. For personal questions, chatbot Cabau therefore refers to the email for an employee, which always runs smoothly.” Now and in the future Today's visitor expects to be helped 24/7 and this will be no different in the future. Immediate satisfaction of needs is the key word here. BFax Lists y meeting these expectations, you stay ahead of the competition and are one step closer to generating loyalty.