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Stat qov az: Rəsmi statistik hesabatların elektron təqdimatı

Stat Qov Az: What is it and why is it important?

If you are interested in the social and economic situation of Azerbaijan, you may have come across the term Stat Qov Az. But what does it mean and what does it do? In this article, we will explain what Stat Qov Az is, what are its main functions and activities, how it collects and disseminates official statistics, what are the benefits of its work, what are the challenges and opportunities it faces, and how it can be further improved and supported. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of the role and importance of Stat Qov Az in Azerbaijan.


Statistics are essential for measuring and monitoring the social and economic progress of any country. They provide information on various aspects of life, such as population, health, education, employment, income, poverty, environment, trade, industry, agriculture, tourism, etc. They help governments, businesses, researchers, media, civil society, and citizens to make informed decisions and policies based on facts and evidence. They also help to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of past actions and to plan for the future.

stat qov az


However, statistics are not just numbers. They need to be collected, processed, analyzed, interpreted, and presented in a way that is accurate, timely, relevant, accessible, comparable, and understandable. This is where Stat Qov Az comes in.

What is Stat Qov Az?

Stat Qov Az is the short name for Azərbaycan Respublikasının Dövlət Statistika Komitəsi, which means The State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan. It is the central executive authority responsible for producing and disseminating official statistics in Azerbaijan. It was established in 1994 by a decree of the President of Azerbaijan. It operates under the guidance of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan and reports to the President of Azerbaijan.

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stat qov az sosial müdafiә vә sәhiyyә statistikası (SMS)

stat qov az yerli statist

What are the main functions and activities of Stat Qov Az?

The main functions and activities of Stat Qov Az are:

  • To develop and implement the state policy on statistics;

  • To coordinate and supervise the statistical work of other state bodies;

  • To conduct statistical surveys and censuses on various topics;

  • To compile national accounts and macroeconomic indicators;

  • To produce statistical publications and bulletins;

  • To provide statistical data and information to users and stakeholders;

  • To cooperate with international organizations and other countries on statistical matters;

  • To ensure the quality, reliability, confidentiality, impartiality, and transparency of statistical data.

How does Stat Qov Az collect and disseminate official statistics?

Stat Qov Az collects official statistics from various sources, such as administrative records, statistical surveys, censuses, registers, etc. It uses modern methods and technologies to process, analyze, store, and disseminate statistical data. It follows international standards and classifications to ensure comparability and compatibility of data. It also adheres to the principles of professional independence, scientific objectivity, methodological soundness, cost-effectiveness, relevance, accuracy, timeliness, accessibility, clarity, confidentiality, etc Benefits of Stat Qov Az

Stat Qov Az plays a vital role in the social and economic development of Azerbaijan. It provides valuable information and insights on various aspects of the country's situation and performance. Some of the benefits of Stat Qov Az are:

How does Stat Qov Az contribute to the social and economic development of Azerbaijan?

Stat Qov Az helps to measure and monitor the progress and achievements of Azerbaijan in various fields, such as poverty reduction, education, health, gender equality, environment, etc. It also helps to identify the gaps and challenges that need to be addressed. For example, Stat Qov Az produces the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Indicators, which track the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Azerbaijan. Stat Qov Az also produces the Human Development Index (HDI), which measures the level of human development in Azerbaijan. According to the latest report, Azerbaijan ranked 87th out of 189 countries in 2020, with an HDI value of 0.756.

How does Stat Qov Az support evidence-based decision making and policy making?

Stat Qov Az provides reliable and timely statistical data and information to support the decision making and policy making processes of the government, parliament, ministries, agencies, local authorities, etc. It also provides statistical advice and consultation to these entities on various issues. For example, Stat Qov Az produces the Economic Review, which provides an overview of the main economic trends and developments in Azerbaijan. Stat Qov Az also produces the Social Review, which provides an overview of the main social trends and developments in Azerbaijan. These publications help to inform and guide the economic and social policies and strategies of the country.

How does Stat Qov Az ensure the quality and reliability of statistical data?

Stat Qov Az follows strict quality standards and procedures to ensure the quality and reliability of statistical data. It applies the European Statistics Code of Practice, which defines 15 principles for good statistical practice. It also applies the General Data Dissemination System (GDDS), which defines a set of recommendations for improving the quality, coverage, timeliness, and accessibility of statistical data. Stat Qov Az regularly conducts quality assessments and audits to evaluate its performance and identify areas for improvement. It also participates in international peer reviews and assessments to benchmark its practices against other countries. Challenges and opportunities for Stat Qov Az

Stat Qov Az faces various challenges and opportunities in its work. It has to cope with the changing demands and expectations of users and stakeholders, as well as the rapid developments in technology and innovation. Some of the challenges and opportunities for Stat Qov Az are:

What are the main challenges faced by Stat Qov Az in its work?

Some of the main challenges faced by Stat Qov Az are:

  • The increasing complexity and diversity of statistical data and information, which require more resources, skills, and methods to collect, process, analyze, and disseminate;

  • The growing demand for more timely, detailed, disaggregated, and customized statistical data and information, which require more flexibility, responsiveness, and user orientation;

  • The rising competition from other data providers and sources, such as big data, open data, social media, etc., which require more collaboration, integration, and innovation;

  • The evolving legal and ethical issues related to data protection, privacy, confidentiality, quality, etc., which require more compliance, transparency, and accountability.

How does Stat Qov Az cope with the changing demands and expectations of users and stakeholders?

Stat Qov Az tries to cope with the changing demands and expectations of users and stakeholders by:



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